General Instruction
Where to paste shortcode?
After copying shortcode, paste the shortcode in theme.liquid. See Example
What is Slider Title and Subtitle
Slider Title is title for your product's slider which will be displayed above sliderSlider Subtitle is subtitle or tagline for your product's slider which will be displayed above slider and below slider title
What happens when user clicks on product?
There are two options:Either you can show new page with product detailsOr you can show him product details on same page. In this option details will be displayed in a subpage
What is the meaning of "No. of products to display" ?
It specifies how many products will be displayed in slider(Maximum 6)
What is "Autoplay slider" & "Loop"?
Autoplay slider means whether to rotate through products automatically or manually. If yes, Then products will be rotated automaticallyLoop means whether to repeat rotating through products. If yes, Then products will be rotated automatically again and again
What is "How Long to Persist Recently Viewed Products"?
It means for how many days/weeks/months you want user to see his/her recently viewed products
How to uninstall app?
To remove the App, go to Apps.Click on delete icon of Recently Viewed Products on Cart Page App.See ExampleIf possible then remove shortcode where you have pasted. As you have pasted the shortcode in theme.liquid remove from there. See Example